Baker Products
It is the mission of Baker Products to provide quality equipment and the service to support it through qualified employees, advanced manufacturing technology and creative innovations to members of the worldwide wood industry.
Scragg Mill
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Baker Circle Tri-Scragg
If you’ve been trying to think of how you can simplify your assembly line process, we’ve just made your choice easy. The Baker Circular Tri- Scragg Mill uses a sharp chain feed with links every 4”. After the log is sawn by two 48” (52” optional) circular blades, the two-sided scragg block is then fed through a horizontal band blade. Self-centering wheels center the two-sided scragg block and eliminate twisting as it passes. The horizontal band blade splits the scragg block, making it into two three-sided cants, ready to be resawn. Choose the Baker Circular Tri-Scragg Mill. It’s a combination you can’t get anywhere else.