Association Adopts NEW Vision, Mission and Goals

By: National Hardwood Lumber Association  |   Mark Barford  |   Published  901-377-1082

The NHLA strategic planning task force, under the chairmanship of past president Jim Howard, recently brought several motions to the full NHLA board of managers for a vote. In a special meeting called on February 17 the NHLA board voted and approved all of the changes that the strategic planning task force put forth including a new Vision, Mission and Goals for the Association.The approved changes further support the path that NHLA began several years ago with the adoption of the tagline: "Strong Roots. Global Reach."

The new vision statement, "To be the global standard for hardwood trade and commerce," is confirmation of the extensive global presence that NHLA has maintained since 2008.

The new mission statement follows the same theme, "To serve NHLA members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber by: maintaining order, structure and ethics in the changing global hardwood marketplace; providing unique member services; promoting North American hardwood lumber and advocating the interest of the hardwood community in public private policy issues; and providing a platform for networking opportunities."

The board also approved 6 strategic goals in order to fulfill the new Vision and Mission. They are as follows:
1. Maintain a uniform system of grading Rules for the inspection and measurement of hardwood lumber.
2. Foster integrity within the hardwood community by assisting with dispute resolution and providing a meaningful Sales Code.
3. Continually train lumber inspectors for the industry.
4. Provide forums for individuals to meet and learn.
5. Explore organizations with whom NHLA can partner or collaborate.
6. Maintain inspection services to support dispute resolution.

The most significant of the goals listed above is number six. The adoption of goal number six is to assure the hardwood industry that NHLA is committed to maintaining its Inspection Field Services both in North America and around the globe.

Questions regarding the new vision, mission and goals of the Association? Contact Mark Barford, CAE, Executive Director at 901-377-1082 or by email at [email protected].

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