Carolina Machinery Sales (CMS) works in the sawmill, pallet and woodworking industries. In addition to the buying and selling of used equipment, we work as brokers and take in machines on consignment. Give us a call today!
Carriages (Sawmill)
5 Results Found

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Cleereman Carriage PawTawJohn setworks and 3D scanner Three headblock model LPC-42 Four position dogs in/out and bottom dog turning Spare cylinders for all positions Spare top and bottom dogs 30 hp hydraulics
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Corley 44-40 Tong Dog Carriage 4-heads 5 HP motor 18 foot long carrage Set works optional (not functional and Corley does not offer spares needed)
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HMC Carriage 5x10 Cab with controls System is already removed from service and ready to load. Notes from seller: Carriage is 17'1" longKnee spacing is 63" from 1 to 2 78" from 2 to 3 1 to 3 is 141 1/4" Carriage frame is 76 1/2 " wide Track centers are 62" Track rails are worn out. We used the old track frame for our new carriage
Fully functional Spare pumps, motors, hoses, main cable drum and shaft (approx. $5,000 worth of parts!!) Comparable to a 215 Tyrone Berry Oil heater and safety switch in tank