27 Results Found

Salem 54in Air Strain Left Hand Resaw Band Mill, Cartridge Guides, Manual Stop Guide, 1.3 Top / 1.44 Bottom - Call Jeff for more info at 574-370-5050 We can go through this mill if customer needs that. An offbeat bel;t can be added for an additional cast as well.
10D G60 thin kerf double arbor schurman gang edger; this item belongs with stock #729, which is also listed in our equipment for sale. Call Jeff at 574-370-5050 for more info.
Infeed to 10" Schurman gang edger; this item belongs with stock #727, which is also listed in our equipment for sale. - Call Jeff for more info at 574-370-5050
60 feet X 56.5 inches of frame .. 51 feet of length bumper to bumper .. mount at end for cable drive .. 1.75 inch wide track .. 50 inches center to center of track Nose skid and log turner included - Call David at 307-752-5000 or Jeff for more info at 574-370-5050