Helping our customers for over 20+ years, Pallet Machinery Group specializes in New and Used Machinery sales focusing in the Pallet/Sawmill industry. PMG uses its vast knowledge base in order to help you maximize production and increase efficiency while reducing labor costs in order to find the best solution that fits your company.
Circular Sawmills
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2017 Hurdle Automatic Sawmill on 48’ 3-beam platform, 3HB Magnum L T tong dog carriage: 40” knee openings, 29” d og openings. Variable tapering, tong dogs. Husk frame assembly w/offbearer belt. New larger sawyer’s cab w/AC. 555 Series feed. 3-strand log deck. HD chain log turner. Cant turner. Feed joystick. Nano setworks. Vertical edger w/laser lights. Top saw- includes adjustable saw guide, 36” saw blade, 30HP motor, and saw guard.